Twanscript (is that a permissible Twitter-word?) from the Republic debate The Royal PR Machine with Richard Palmer, royal correspondent of the Daily Express and Emily Hill, Evening Standard journalist and Guardian commentator.
Here are the pick of the comments from the debate (all have been shortened due to Twitter use and are comments made at the debate by others). For a full list of the Tweets I sent, search #royalmedia.
‘Concerted campaign to prevent taking pictures of royals’ – eve standard
Would people be so keen on royals if heir was a cross between Charles + Camilla?
Queen’s press officer known as Samantha the panther
Express corr never been allowed direct conversation with Charles
My right to know stops where the detectives we pay for’s knowledge stops – Express
Press association under pressure corporately to toe royal line
Charles will look to set up Kings Conferences on issues
Royals using courts to deny right to know, or even release pics without approval
Abuse of civil lists makes mp expenses look like peanuts. Freedom of Information Act requests denied
9 times out of 10 royals take train to somewhere and fly back
Conservative and Labour dodging discussion on civil list
Charles will talk to his plants but won’t dig them up – Emily Hill
Royals using Kate Middleton to take legal action to see how far they can push the courts
That it’s a taboo to criticise the queen is a disgrace – @RepublicStaff
And the final subject – how advertisers would react to an anti-monarchy media will be a future blog!